Saturday, June 25, 2011


So. Excited. Not that I believe I will ever get married but if I did find someone crazy enough to stay with me for that long at least I can know I’ll be allowed to choose openly and freely.  Some days I really do love living in New York.


  1. I thought that law already existed? Is it just now enacted or something?

  2. Same sex marriage is governed by individual states, not the federal government so each state has to pass individual legislation in order for it to be legal. So far only Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. grant same-sex marriage license.

    I think it's a really big deal when any state passes this legislation. However, as I'm a NYer and having such a Congressionally influential state lead by example, I'm doubly excited because it could mean paving the way for even more states to follow.
